100 Fakta One Direction. amazingness Complete Complete First published Jul 22 2012 As you can probably tell I love 1D (just like about 99% of the female population of the Earth) So one night namely last night at about 2 am I had an epiphany.

Assalamualaikum WrWb Pembaca yang budiman Kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah fakta menarik sekaligus unik pula tentang salah satu dari Personil One Direction Zayn Malik Asyik!!! Aku bersorak kegirangan banget karena ini adalah idola favorit saya Dan aku suka banget sama dia karena dia seorang muslim Jarangjarang loh artis muslim langsung.
100% One Direction: The 100% Unofficial Biography by Evie
Louis was raised in Doncaster South Yorkshire The same place that TV personalities suchBefore they named the band One Direction Niall suggested they should be called ‘Niall andLiam has been on 2 series of The X Factor He entered in 2008 but although he got throughNiall had two pet fish named Tom and Jerry but they accidentally died from him overfeedingHarry can play the kazooZayn’s (ExOne Direction) X Factor audition wasn’t actually broadcasted on the main showIt was Nicole Scherzinger the former Pussycat Doll who suggested that the boys should beNiall is the only one of the group who is lefthandedZayn (ExOne Direction) mimed ‘hello’ through the car window to a fan which resulted in herNiall said he screamed out loud when Justin Bieber followed him on Twitter.
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Harry Styles Facts! Penasaran faktafakta unik tentang anggota One Direction (1D) yang satu ini? Langsung kita baca yuk ) nggak cuma faktafakta unik tapi juga berbagi ceritacerita lucu tentang mereka D 1 Harry adalah anggota termuda di Boyband One Direction 2 Ketika tidur Harry adalah satusatunya anggota One Direction yang selalu telanjang.
160 Fakta Tentang Zayn Malik reyvanologi
fakta one direction Anak2 1D tinggal dalam jarak 100 m satu sama lain d London sedang kan harry dan Louis yang suka berantam ternyata tinggal serumah di 1D yg orang tua nya gak cerai itu zayn ama liam Harry d besarkan di desa holmes chapel di Cheshire Harry lahir tanggal 1 February 1994 menjadikan nya cowok berbintang akuarius.
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Official Website Minggu 20 Desember 2015 100 Fakta Personel One Direction 1 Niall jago aksen Ayahnya merasa dia mungkin lebih fasih dari Cheryl Cole dalam mengucapkan aksen Geordie 2 The boys memiliki julukan untuk Zayn yaitu “Zayn the Vain” Karena Zayn menduduki peringkat pertama dalam poling SugarScape’s Hottest Lads 2011 3.