Average Angus Cow Weight. BW I like between 7085 with most mine running around the 80 lb weight WW for years my average has been 600630 for steers and 560590 for heifers depending on grass conditions YW 1000 for bulls 750 for heifers forage conditioned with little or no grain MW 1800 2000 for bulls 11001250 for cows User Interaction Count 27.
Miniature Cattle Breeds On Average Lowline Angus Cows Weigh 650 950 Pounds And Are 36 42 Inches In Heig Miniature Cattle Lowline Cattle Miniature Cow Breeds from Pinterest
A typical beef cow such as Angus weighs around 1210 lbs (550kb) for a mature female and around 1870 lbs (850 kg) for bulls (on average) For a typical herd this is not a very useful answer because the herd may consist of a variety of cows by age and breed.
How Much Does A Black Angus Cow Weigh? Neeness
How Much Does A Black Angus Cow Weigh? How much does a 2 year old beef cow weigh? Average Cow Weight At 2 Years A 2 year old cow averages about 1100 pounds Expect to see a 100 to 125 pound weight gain from 1 year old to 2 years.
Black Angus size and weights. CattleToday
German Angus cows are another breed of cattle that originated in Germany Mature bulls can reach a weight of 2200 to 2400 pounds Female cows range from 1200 to 1500 pounds.
Miniature Cattle Breeds On Average Lowline Angus Cows Weigh 650 950 Pounds And Are 36 42 Inches In Heig Miniature Cattle Lowline Cattle Miniature Cow Breeds
How Much Does a Cow Weigh? (Beef, Dairy, Calf with charts)
How Much Do Weigh? Neeness Black Angus Cows
– At Home Farmer & The 5 Heaviest Cow Breeds Average Cow Weights
Historically the 2 1/2yearold bulls have averaged 1650 to 1850 pounds in the fall The 1 1/2yearold bulls have weighed in at around 1350 pounds all with a good condition score of 5 to 7.