Baycuten N Clotrimazole Dexamethasone. Baycuten N Cream contains Clotrimazole and Dexamethasone Acetate as active ingredients Baycuten N Cream works by inhibiting the growth of fungi suppressing inflammation in the cornea Detailed information related to Baycuten N Cream's uses composition dosage side effects and reviews is listed below 33/5 (3).
Baycuten N Clorimazole 5 Reticshop Best Quality from Baycuten-N Clorimazole 5 – Reticshop …
Baycuten N is an antifungal agent of imidazole derivatives group for topical use This medication has an effect at the expense of the synthesis of ergosterol which is part of the cell membrane of fungi Baycuten N(Clotrimazole) has a broad spectrum of action Baycuten N (Clotrimazole) is active against dermatophytes molds fungi of the genus Candida Malassezia furfur 25/5 (4).
Baycuten N Cream Clotrimazole Dexamethasone for Anti Eczema
Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid it combines high antiinflammatory effects with low mineralocorticoid activity It has an approximately 7 times greater antiinflammatory potency than prednisolone another commonly prescribed corticosteroid At high doses it reduces the immune response.
Baycuten N Cream Clotrimazole Dexamethasone is indicated for treatment of itchy skin allergic conditions skin diseases vaginal fungal skin infections gastrointestinal diseases endocrine disorders and other conditions Baycuten N Cream contains the following active compositions Clotrimazole and Dexamethasone Available in cream format.
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Product Baycuten N Cream
BaycutenNBaycutenN may be available in the countries listed below Ingredient matches for BaycutenNClotrimazoleClotrimazole is reported as an ingredient of BaycutenN in the following countries Brazil Colombia Egypt Indonesia Kuwait Philippines Uruguay DexamethasoneDexamethasone is reported as an ingredient of BaycutenN in the following countries.