The Essential Of Life Skills In The Basic Education Subject Learning In Higher Education from 1Library
The learning process that takes place at STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta uses the Student Centered Learning method which is done through theoretical learning laboratory learning clinical learning using various learning methods with the Student Centered Learning (SCL) approach including Small Group Discussion (SGD) Reflective Learning Problem Based Learning (PBL).
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Overview of STIKes Panti Rapih 48 Contact 3 Hymne STIKes Panti Rapih 3 Tri Dharma College 2 ICARE 2 Student SENAT 1 Signing of Collaboration with Boromrajonani College of Nursing Chai Nat Thailand 1 Vision Mission Objectives and Characteristics of the Three Nursing Diploma Study Program 1 Learning Facilities 1.
The Essential Of Life Skills In The Basic Education Subject Learning In Higher Education
STIKes Panti Rapih: Pembelajaran 20201 Modul Kuliah Online
SELAMAT BELAJAR ONLINE DI STIKes PANTI RAPIH YOGYAKARTA Visi Institusi “Pada tahun 2041 menjadi lembaga pendidikan tinggi kesehatan dengan tata kelola yang berstandar internasional untuk menghasilkan tenaga kesehatan yang unggul humanis berjiwa mengabdi pada kehidupan sesuai moral kristiani dan berdaya saing internasional”.