Install Kali Linux Di Termux. Installing a new operating system takes about 15 minutes The recommended minimum size of a disk image is 1024 MB (with LXDE) and without a GUI 512 MB When you install Linux on the flash card with the FAT32 file system the image size should not exceed 4095 MB! After the initial setup the password for SSH and VNC generated automatically.

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Install Metasploit FrameWork di Termux Disini MiX Signer (APK Signer untuk MiXplorer Unduh dari Play Store) Jika sudah install bahan di atas Lanjut ke tutorialnya Anda buka aplikasi termux lalu Install Tool Metasploit terlebih dahulu (Cara Install Metasploit Framework Di Termux) Langkah Pertama Install Port Forwading dengan ketik perintah berikut.