Kolega In English. Translations for „ kolega “ in the Polish » English Dictionary (Go to English » Polish ) kolega N m decl f in sing kolega friend kolega ze szkoły school friend kolega z klasy classmate kolega z pracy.
A Learner S Polish English Dictionary from Yumpu
noun en A fellow member of a profession staff academic faculty or other organization an associate Sve je počelo kad je Barneyju kolega dao prijateljski savjet It all started when Barney got a little friendly advice from a coworker omegawiki.
kolega Translation into English examples Polish Reverso
kolega translation in Polish English Reverso dictionary see also 'kolega'kolęda'kolejka'kolej' examples definition conjugation.
kolega translation in English PolishEnglish dictionary
Mój kolega i ja spędzimy godzinkę w parku I and my colleague are going to walk in your public garden during an hour Mójjedyny kolega był pisarzem producentem i kobieciarzem My only colleague was writer producer and womanizer Eddie Alden Jestem Steve Wozniak kolega taty I'm your dad's friend Steve Wozniak.
A Learner S Polish English Dictionary
kolega Translation from Polish into English PONS
kolega in English CroatianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe
kolega definition in the PolishEnglish Dictionary
kolega noun associate [noun] a colleague or partner a companion brother [noun] a fellow member of any group (also adjective) colleague [noun] a person with whom one is associated in a profession or occupation fellow [noun] (often as part of a word) a companion and equal.