Mazhab Maliki. Mazhab HanafiMazhab MalikiMazhab Syafi’iMazhab HanbaliDiversity in The Manifestation of IslamThe Hanafi mazhab was attributed to Imam Abu Hanifah AnNu’man Ibn Thabit He was born in the year 80H and passed on in the year 150H He was different from the other three Imams in the sense that he was the only one who had the privilege to learn and receive hadith from six of the Companions of The Prophet He started his educational journey at an early age before he began teaching and giving out fatwas Out of his many students two students were greatly recognized Imam AlQadhi Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad Ibn Hasan AsShyaibani Apart from his extensive knowledge in fiqh he was also an expert in ‘Ilm Kalam (Islamic Theology) constantly debating with the Mu’tazilites who were prevailing during his time He gave his utmost effort to make sure that misguided teachings regarding faith should not be accepted He introduced the need for logical reasoning and he argued that it should be a major tool in giving out religious rulings especially when a certain issue is not specifically The Maliki mazhab was attributed to the renowned Imam Malik bin Anas He was born in Madinah in the year 95H and later passed on in his birth country in the year 179H Imam Malik stayed in Madinah throughout his educational journey seeking knowledge from great scholars there before becoming a teacher and a Mufti He was known as ‘Imam Darul Hijrah’ which means the Imam of Madinah His works and knowledge were recognized in different parts of the world People from across the globe travelled to Madinah mainly to learn from him One of his scholarly works was the ‘Muwatta’ an important resource that has been referred to up until today It took him 40 years to complete this book Since the people in Madinah during his time were close descendants of the Companions ra the chain of knowledge between them and the Prophet saw was relatively strong and authentic Thus he believed that agreedupon actions of the people of Madinah are considered as a source of Islamic Law He also had The Syafi’i mazhab was attributed to a scholar named Muhammad Bin Idris or more commonly known as AlImam AsSyafi’i He was born in Gaza in the year 150H and he passed on later in Egypt in the year 204H Throughout his life he was blessed to have sought knowledge from great scholars in different countries He first started his educational journey in Makkah where he was brought up During his early days Imam AsSyafi’i showed remarkable Arabic literacy It was then suggested that he should use this excellence to understand Fiqh Upon hearing about the renowned Imam Malik bin Anas he travelled to Madinah to learn from him where he read and memorized Imam Malik’s famous book ‘AlMuwatta’ beforehand After meeting with Imam Malik Imam AsSyafi’i became his student This relationship continued until the demise of Imam Malik Imam AsSyafi’i later travelled to Iraq to seek knowledge There he delved deeper in Fiqh having Imam Muhammad Ibn Hasan AsSyaibani a prominent student of The Hanbali mazhab was attributed to a scholar named Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal He was born in Iraq in the year 164H and passed on in his birth country later in the year 241H He sought knowledge from different regions in Iraq learning from various great scholars In one of his significant journeys he traveled to Baghdad where he met Imam AsSyafi’i and he became his student Even though he is a student of Imam AsSyafi’i he had minimal inclination to use reason in his approach to the Sunnah contrary to his teacher’s methodology It is important to note that despite the scholarly differences we see between these luminary figures they maintained the utmost respect for one another Imam Ahmad traveled so much that it was reported he had over 300 teachers throughout his educational journey Imam AlBukhari and Imam Muslim authors of the two great books of Hadith Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim were his students This mazhab is mostly practised in the Arabian Peninsula and it can be The emergence of these Mazahib centuries ago is a testament to our diversity in manifesting the Islamic faith These Mazahib serve as the guiding framework for us to understand and practise our religion confidently As Muslims live in different geographical localities and are culturally distinct from one another these Mazahib attempt to provide relevant guidance and prescriptions based on sound interpretations of the scriptural sources The legacy of knowledge left by these amazing Imams is inherited by us in an attempt to provide practical solutions to our new realities by drawing upon our rich intellectual tradition that continues to be practised by our scholars today May we continue to preserve this intellectual heritage and be able to practice our faith confidently with eternal guidance from Allah swt Amin References 1 Siyar A’lam Nubala’ AlHafiz AzZahabiy.

Mazhab Maliki (Arab مالكية) adalah satu dari empat mazhab fiqh atau hukum Islam dalam SunniMazhab Maliki diamalkan di Utara Afrika dan sebahagian Afrika Barat Mahzab ini mempunyai bilangan pengikut ketiga teramai iaitu lebih kurang 15% daripada Muslim.
MuslimSG The 4 Mazhabs in Islam
Mazhab Maliki (bahasa Arab المالكية translit almālikīyah) adalah satu dari empat mazhab fikih atau hukum Islam dalam SunniDianut oleh sebagian umat Muslim yang kebanyakannya berada di kawasan Hijaz (kini bagian dari Arab Saudi) terutama di Madinah kemudian juga di Afrika Utara seperti Mesir Libya Tunisia dan Aljazair bahkan hingga ke Eropa seperti Sisilia di Italia dan.
Pendiri Mazhab Maliki adalah Malik bin Anas (801 M) Ia lahir di Madinah pada tahun 717 M Kakeknya adalah Amir termasuk salah seorang kalangan sahabat Nabi yang hidup di Madinah Malik bin Anas muda merupakan seorang murid dari guru dan ulama besar hadis AzZuhri Adapun di antara muridmurid Malik bin Anas adalah Abu Abdurrahman bin Qasim dan Imam alSyafi’i termasuk salah satunya.
Mazhab Maliki Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Walaupun mazhab Maliki telah tersebar luas di banyak negeri tetapi negeri yang paling maju di dalam mengamalkan Mazhab Maliki ialah Mesir dan Andalusia (Sepanyol) 21 Mesir Diriwayatkan orang yang mulamula memperkenalkan Mazhab Maliki di Mesir ialah sahabat Imam Malik yang bernama Usman bin alHakam alJuzami dan seorang lagi tokoh yang bernama Abdul Rahman bin Yazid bin Yahya.
Lutfi Latif Kitab Rujukan Fatwa 4 Mazhab
Mazhab Maliki Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Maliki Wikipedia
The Special Characteristics of the Maliki Madhhab – Shaykh
Mengenal Madzhab Maliki Islami[dot]co
He is Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim ibn Hasain AtTawil AlMaghribi AlMaliki Birth and early life The Imam was born in the year in the city of `Ein Baridah in the land of Morocco to a modest family His first teacher was his father Imam Muhammad ibn Qasim who was a great Imam in the sciences of recitation of the Qur’an and other fields.