Orient Solo. The following instructions were given in a footnote “Each of verses 2 3 and 4 is sung as a solo to the music of Gaspard’s part to the 1st and 5th verses the accompaniment and chorus being the same throughout Only verses 1 and 5 are sung as a trio” A brief instrumental interlude followed the refrain “Festive Hymn Settings Set 2” contains an arrangement for congregational.

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John Henry Hopkins Jr organized the carol in such a way that three male voices would each sing a solo verse in order to correspond with the three kings The first and last verses of the carol are sung together by all three as “verses of praise” while the intermediate verses are sung individually with each king describing the gift he was bringing [3].
List of Abbreviations (for the NET Bible Footnotes
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Mulberry travel put my mind at rest about going solo to Venice on the Orient Express for a specific date my first holiday in year’s that in the end did not come to fruition I take my hat off to Lee Rob and Jade Posted 1 year ago Graham Baker We asked Lee at Mulberry to arrange a bespoke holiday to Barbados and once again came up with the goods Seamless trip fabulous.