Paradice Global Small Mid Cap Fund. FundParadice Global Small Cap Fund Index MSCI World Small Cap NR AUD Category Equity World Mid/Small Financial Year Returns Jun19 Jun20 Jun21 Nov21 Fund1771439 3963242 +/ Cat3761369082553 +/ Index4181104.
Global Small Cap Paradice from
The Paradice Global Small Cap Fund aims to outperform the S&P Global ex Australia and New Zealand Between USD1 Billion and USD5 Billion (AUD) Net Total Return Index in AUD over a three to five year period (after management costs and before tax) Net Returns as at 31 December 2021.
PAGSMCA Quote Paradice Global Small Mid Cap Fund
To outperform the Benchmark over a three to five year period (after management costs and before tax) Fund Strategy The Paradice Global Small Cap Fund is an actively managed long only global equities product that invests in small caps The Fund is managed with a value and quality style Growth of $10000.
Paradice Australian Small Cap B Factsheet APIR
Find our live Paradice Global Small Cap Fund fund basic information View & analyze the 0P0000XYA7 fund chart by total assets risk rating Min investment market cap and category.
0P0000XYA7 Fund Paradice Global Small Cap Fund
Benefit from regional specialists with expertise in the US Europe and Asia curating 4050 highconviction investments from each region Get exposure to stronger alpha potential through active management in highquality global smallmidcap growth investments The case for global small and midcap investing >.
Global Small Cap Paradice
Paradice Global Small Cap Fund Paradice Investment
Fund Report Morningstar
Fund performance
Paradice Global Small Mid Cap Fund Holdings
SAST mid cap fund’s Insider Trades & paradice global small
0P0000XYA7 Fund Paradice Global Small Cap Fund
0P0000XYA7 Paradice Global Small Cap Fund Scoreboard
Paradice Expands Retail Offering Money Management
Paradice Global Small Cap Fund
Global Small Cap Paradice
Paradice Global Small Mid Cap Fund Holdings AU
0P0000XYA7 Fund Paradice Global Small Cap Fund
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APIR Cap A Unhedged Paradice Global Small Factsheet
Companies from Global Smaller Positioning for growth
Paradice Global Small Mid Cap Fund is a unit trust incorporated in Australia The Fund’s objective is to outperform the benchmark by 3% pa over a three to five year period The Fund invests in a.