Pristella Tetra. Easily recognizable for their silvery bodies and brightly colored fins the Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris) is the only member of the Pristella genus and is native to South American coastal rivers Growing up to 2 inches these fish are hardy beautiful and generally peaceful.

The Pristella Tetra can be a really good fish for the freshwater fish beginner These tetras are fairly hardy and should do well in a somewhat broader range of water parameters than other tetras The Pristella is very peaceful when kept in small schools of 6 or more.
Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris) Group of 5 Fish
The Pristella Tetra or XRay Fish is a deepbodied tetra species This fish will generally reach about 1 3/4 inches (45 cm) in length and has a lifespan of about 4 to 5 years or even longer Its silvery to yellowish body features a large spot on the dorsal and anal fin and a reddish tail.
Pristella Tetra (XRay): Care, Diet, Tank Mates & More!
The pristella tetra (aka xray tetra) are an underappreciated freshwater species that has a lot to offer This fish is known for being lowmaintenance beautiful and fun to observe They’re also great fish for community tanks meaning you can usually find a place for them in your aquarium if you have enough space.
Pristella Tetra Pristella Maxillaris 3cm Aquarium Central
Pristella Tetra, Pristella maxillaris XRay Fish, Golden
Pristella Tetra Care & Species Profile Fishkeeping World
Pristella Tetra Care Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding
Pristella Tetra Facts & OverviewAppearance & BehaviorPristella Tetra CareBreedingShould You Get A Pristella Tetra For Your Aquarium?Pristella tetras are often called different names in pet stores Perhaps the most common example is xray tetras because you can see through their bodies Other names are goldfinch tetra and signal tetra Their scientific name is Pristella maxillaris which is why this fish is commonly known as the pristella tetra Like many other species of tetra fish pristellas are native to the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America Here they enjoy the warm temperatures of the tropical freshwater Sometimes pristella tetra populations are found closer to estuary habitats which shows their hardy nature as they can tolerate higher salinities However these conditions are not recommended for an aquarium You should find it easy to buy pristella tetras These fish are widely sold in pet stores so there will likely be some available near you Pristella tetras for sale in pet stores are usually bred in captivity It’s rare to find wild specimens for sale Before purchasing your fish check The first thing you will notice about the pristella tetra is its general lack of color Normally a “washed out” appearance might dissuade aquarists from buying these fish With pristella tetras however their appearance is their main selling point Pristella tetras have translucent bodies that allow you to see their organs and inner workings You can look all the way through these fish to the other side of the tank It isn’t actually correct to say that pristella tetras have no color whatsoever These fish have small stripes of yellow at the base of their dorsal and anal fins Further up the fins are black stripes and the ends are tipped with white Most pristella tetras have a black spot just behind their heads and some have yellow or orange tail fins You can use a pristella tetra’s colors to assess when the fish is stressed as stress causes the colors to fade A characteristic feature of pristella tetras is the Weberian apparatus The Weberian apparatus is a series of small The pristella tetra is easy to care for so this species is often recommended as one of the best fish for beginners This fish’s hardy nature and peaceful temperament make it less likely to cause problems in the tank An added bonus is that pristella tetras are from the Amazon basin Conditions here are easy to recreate in your aquarium The Amazon basin is also home to many other beginner species so forming your first community is simple Looking at the pristella tetra’s natural habitat is useful when designing a suitable diet for this fish too By mimicking what they eat in the wild you can ensure that your fish will receive all the nutrients they need Providing a healthy aquarium and diet reduces the risk of diseases and other health problems although sometimes these problems are unavoidable Pristella tetras can contract many common freshwater diseases If you see an outbreak in your tank don’t panic There’s usually plenty that you can do to return your fish to good health Getting your pristella tetras to breed shouldn’t be too difficult as breeding happens regularly in captivity The key is to make your fish feel at home by setting up your tank in the right conditions and maintaining this environment Increasing the nutrient content of your tetras’ diet is a great way to get your fish ready to spawn Gradually raising the temperature by 3°F a day is also a good trigger for spawning but you shouldn’t exceed 82°F You should be able to see when a female is ready to spawn because her eggs will be visible through her translucent body A male will fertilize the eggs and the female will lay up to 400 at a time by scattering them among the vegetation These eggs should start hatching after 24–72 hours Raising pristella tetra fry can be difficult Separate the fry from any tank mates (including the parents) to prevent them from being eaten You should also increase the frequency of your tank maintenance because any changes in the water conditions can kill If pristella tetras stand out to you as a species you want to keep there’s no reason you can’t set up an aquarium for them Pristella tetras are peaceful and hardy fish that even beginners can enjoy You could even add a shoal of pristella tetras to your existing tank if the conditions are suitable for their needs Make sure any tank mates won’t harass or eat your tetras Once you have your own shoal you’ll notice that your tetras’ distinctive colors (or lack of) and social behaviors make your aquarium a much more interesting place You won’t be able to look away Care Level EasyTemperament PeacefulColor Translucent.