Private Dns Xiaomi. With the introduction of Android Pie Google added a feature that let the user configure Private DNS (or DNSoverHTTPS) on their device Cloudflare’s 1111 private DNS server has become quite popular due to its privacy and speed but Xiaomi MIUI has removed that feature in MIUI 10 (based on Android Pie).
Update Failed Xiaomi European Community from
Steps to Enable private DNS on MIUI 10 Download and Install the App on your Xiaomi device Open the app and then scroll to the Settings area and tap on comandroidsettingsSettings Author Simranpal Singh.
[Tutorial] Enable private DNS on your Xiaomi devices with
How DNS is changed For this reason in MIUI we find an option to configure a privateDNS server which is in charge of filtering all the “garbage” that may appear on our mobile without permission and without prior notice Luckily there are many free DNS providers that we can test to see if we can reduce the amount of unwanted information.
How to Set up DNS server Xiaomi Manual TechBone
Cloudflare’s 1111 private DNS server has become quite popular due to its privacy and speed but Xiaomi has removed the feature in MIUI 10 (based on Android Pie) Thankfully we can get around.
Update Failed Xiaomi European Community
How to enable private DNS on Xiaomi devices with MIUI 10
How to enable private DNS on MIUI 10 running Xiaomi devices
How to Change DNS on Xiaomi and MIUI ITIGIC
Depending on the model DNS may or may not be available on the Xiaomi smartphone By default the function is already set to “Automatic” but it can also be turned off You can also use your own DNS server Android 11 | MIUI 120 Back.