Pt Per. Translations in context of “PT per” in ItalianEnglish from Reverso Context 70 zona residenziale al PT per mq.
P Period T Period Per Ton from All Acronyms
The average price for a PT session in London is £50£60 per hour Outside of London the average price is £4050 – so keep these figures in mind when you are getting quotes Author Natalie Morris.
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Term used by Dick Vitale meaning Prime Time Player.
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PTPer is at PTPer November 10 at 730 AM Kristinehamn Sweden Vad sägs om dessa marinerade tofubitar dippade i hemmagjord vitlöksdressing som äts med lite tomat till ???? Jag fick frågan idag om jag har några vegetariska och/eller veganska recept i mina kostscheman.
P Period T Period Per Ton
PT per Translation into English examples Italian
Urban Dictionary: PTPer
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The Prothrombin time (PT) test standardised as the INR test is most often used to check how well anticoagulant tablets such as warfarin and phenindione are working Anticoagulant tablets help prevent the formation of blood clots (they do not “thin the blood” as is commonly thought) This is particularly important in people with heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation with artificial.