Savage Meaning In Urdu. Savage Definition and Word Origin adjective (of an animal or force of nature) fierce violent and uncontrolled noun (chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized verb (especially of a dog or wild animal) attack ferociously and maul.

تند Definition 1 a cruelly rapacious person 2 a member of an uncivilized people 3 without civilizing influences 4 (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering.
SAVAGE meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Savage Meaning in Urdu Savage translation is “Jungli” and Savage synonym words Barbarian Barbarous Beast Brutal and Brute Similar words of Savage are also commonly used in daily talk like as Savageness Savaged and Savages Pronunciation roman Urdu is “Jungli” and Translation of Savage in Urdu writing script is جنگلی.
Savage Meaning in Gujarati English to Gujarati
savage A savage is some who does not care about the Consequences of his or her actions Usually the savage will do things that make other people say “What the fuck are youMissing urduMust include.
Jungli Meaning in English Savage Meaning In Roman Dictionary
Savage Meaning in Urdu is تند as written in Urdu In Roman Urdu we write it as Tund Other Savage Urdu Meanings are Biyabani Jungli GhairMohazab Khonkhawar Zalim and Jabir Savage has several definitions We have listed 45 significant ones.
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Savage Meaning In Urdu Tund تند English to Urdu …
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Savage Meaning in Urdu and Definition Local Language
Salvage meaning in Urdu — salvage meaning in urdu is
Urdu Word تند Tund Meaning in English is Savage
There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu the correct meaning of Savages in Urdu is تند and in roman we write it Tund The other meanings are Biyabani Jungli Ghair Mohazab Khonkhawar Zalim Jabir and Tund.