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Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
XLS fileSDIT INSAN CENDIKIA 10810642 Kec Dente Teladas Kab Tulang Bawang SMP NASKAT KABALSIANG BENJURING 60101825 Kec Aru Utara Timur Batuley SD NEGERI 06 RANTAU PANJANG 10605638 Kec Rantau Panjang SD NEGERI INPRES PERUMNAS IV 60301023 Kec Heram Kota Jayapura SDN TANGKI DAHUYAN 30202363 SDN 35 LAHAT 10601058 Kec Lahat.
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Rahayu Sri (2022) ANALISIS ISI PESAN DAKWAH OLEH USTAZ KEMBAR TIGA Yuliarti Septiana (2021) Implementasi Tahajud Call di SDIT Al Firdaus Banjarmasin Skripsi Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Ikhsan Muhammad (2021) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Fikih Mawaris di Fakultas Syariah UIN Antasari Banjarmasin Skripsi Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Baihaqi Ahmad.
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EdumaspulJurnal Pendidikan s conc ern in publishing the original research articles review articles from the contributors and the current issues related to multidisipline of education Ed umaspul Jurnal Pendidikan focuses on the following topics Curriculum development teacher education and professional development teacher training crossc ultural studies learning.