Sop Personal Hygiene. personal hygiene policy during all hours of operation CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 Any employee found not following the procedures in this SOP to be retrained 2 Discard affected food VERIFICATION AND RECORD KEEPING 1 The manager will verify that employees are following this SOP by visually observing the employees during all hours of operation 2.

PERSONAL HYGIENE SOP PURPOSE To prevent contamination of food by food handlers SCOPE This procedure applies to foodservice employees who handle prepare or serve food KEY WORDS Personal Hygiene CrossContamination 1 Personal Hygiene means practices associated with the preservation of health and healthy living.
Personal Hygiene
PurposeScopeDefinitionsProcedureFrequencyFormatsTo provide a standard operating procedure for personal hygiene to be followed by all the employees and personnel working in the pharmaceutical manufacturing unit to reduce the possibilities of contamination of the product and prevent the spread of any potential infection in the factory premises The scope of this SOP is applicable to all the employees and personnel working in the pharmaceutical manufacturing unit at [company name] Personal hygienePersonal hygiene is how one care about his or her body It includes bathing washing your hands brushing your teeth and more 51 Basic and mandatory requirement to be followed by each and every employee ● Cleaning of teeth every day ● Take bath every day ● Hair should be trimmed regularly ● Cut nails regularly ● Wear washed inner clothes and change every day ● Shaving of beard regularly by male ● Using of cosmetics and wearing jewelry such as pendants bracelets are restricted in microbiology production and warehouse areas ● Lockers allocated to keep the cloths and personnel belongings as well as factory clothing should be clean as per frequency defined ● Issue fresh factory clothing every day ● Always wear protective clothing while at work Arrange to repair or replace any damaged cloth ● Wear the clothing correctly If factory clothing are spoiled while working it shall be changed immediately ● On completion of assigned work remove the protective clothing while going out of the work area 52 Good hobbits and mandatory to follow at workplace to prevent contamination ● Wash hands and legs ● Cleaning of lockers Weekly ● Issuance of fresh factory clothing Daily ● Medical checkupsPreemployment once in year for general tests eye checkup for visual inspectors – once in six month Selfdeclaration for visitors I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that I am suffering / not sufferingfrom any contagious of communicable diseases Name of Visitor ______________________ Sign of Visitor ______________________ Date of declaration ______________________ Verified by Authorized employee of the company ______________________.
SOP For Personal Hygiene In Pharmaceuticals Techpublish
Benefits of Personal Hygiene Good personal hygiene decreases the risk of illness and helps in disease prevention The products produced will be Social and professional acceptance Will gain Higher confidence and selfesteem Helps in Pain prevention Good personal hygiene involves keeping all parts.
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SOP for Personal hygiene in pharmaceutical industry
Standard Operating Procedure for personal hygiene Personal
Standard Operating Procedure for personal hygiene Personal hygiene 1 Clean outer protective clothing must be worn in all processing areas 2 All personal/street clothing must be fully covered 3 A clean set of company issue clothing must be collected each day from the clothing store.