Www Uin Alauddin Ac Id. his article explains how the Existence of the Marriage Agreement in the Sambas Community of the IndonesiaMalaysia Border Based on the pros and cons of the Sambas Malay Society especially about the marriage agreement regarding taklik talak as a marriage agreement in Islam With qualitative research methods that are phenomenological observations in the field the.

Tutup Kepengurussan Senat Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar Terbitkan Buku 30 Januari 2021 1516 WITA Di akhir kepengurusan Senat Mahasiswa (Sema) UIN Alauddin Makassar menerbitkan buku dengan judul “Mengarungi Pandemi” Sabtu (30/01/2021) Buku ini Selengkapnya PEMILMA Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum 2020 29 Desember 2020 1511 WITA.
UIN Alauddin Adab dan Humaniora
Email farmasi@uinalauddinacid Direktori Perpustakaan Repositori eLearning (LMS) Portal Akademik Mahasiswa & Dosen Alumni & Karir PDDIKTI RISTEK Sistem Pengecekan Ijazah & Transkrip Facebook Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar.
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Undergraduate (S1) thesis Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Preview Teks A N W A R_optpdf Download (1MB) | Preview Abstrak The conclussion of the research are as follows Generally the student made same errors in writing composittion The kind of errors made by the student in writing sentence through composition are (1) most of the students cannot write.
Journal of Islam and Science UIN Alauddin
Rumah Jurnal Sharia and Law Faculty Kampus 2 Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Jl H M Yasin Limpo Romangpolong Gowa Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia Email mazahibunapmh@gmailcom Announcements CALL FOR PAPER Mazahibuna Jurnal Perbandingan Mazhab We are inviting all of researchers practitioners and academics to.
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Existence of Marriage Agreements in Islam Development
Analysing Morphological Errors on Students’ Composition at
Alauddin Farmasi UIN
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and UIN Alauddin
The Philosophy Of Siyasah Studies In The Epistemology Of
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar will hold International Conference of Social and Islamic Studies 2021 (SIS2021) This conference will provide opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and experiences face to face establish business or research relations and find global partners for future collaboration The goal of SIS 2021 is to bring together.